1. george nelson clock, 2. White Rock Modern Home Tour, 3. b2 2 b1, 4. marimekko wallhanging and things, 5. modern american home, 6. Vintage wallpaper, 7. Modern Ceramics, 8. vintage tray and vintage enamel plates, 9. book i got at the NY MOMA, 10. Infinite marshmallow, 11. happiness is..., 12. IMG022, 13. can't resist the colours, 14. Graeme Wii, 15. Mollie, 16. crazy with the pincushions, 17. marshmallow sofa, 18. walk | stand, 19. joe, 20. vera pillows, 21. my favourite apron, 22. Vintage wallpaper, 23. re organizing, 24. simple dress - summer, 25. birds, 26. Wooden Jar., 27. Ari, 28. bingo, 29. marcel, the french wrestling guy, 30. Poor Cowboy, 31. kitty pipe cleaner, 32. for like ever, 33. **, 34. ..., 35. march hare_standing, 36. sea touch
Hola and Happy MONDAY!!! Today I would like to share with you a few more tidbits about me.
1. My favorite color is green with yellow as a very close second
2. I am NOT a morning person...I am in fact a TRUE nightowl. I love and hate this about myself.
3. I am a collector
4. I love, LOVE, LOVE Photography
5. I have loads of issues but one of the weirdest ones of all is it is really hard for me to have people over to our home. My long time friends and family know this about me and I have gotten a lot better but it's really weird and I don't like it. I have host nervous issues and it is a very intimate thing for me for some reason. Most likely has something to do with my childhood incident. Who knows....I need therapy...I guess.
6. When I drive by a yardsale/estate sale/garage sale...I say ding, ding, ding!! My family thinks I'm nuts. I just LOVE yardsales. I made a deal with myself though. Only fabric, AMAZING ceramics, super great kid's toys that are small or vintage dishes. That's it.
7. I cannot watch horror movies...nightmares
8.The dentist recently told me I brush my teeth toooo much. WHAT!!!! Nobody ever told me that was possible. So...since that visit approx 6 month ago....my next appointment is this month...I have mellowed out. It's just I am home with Memphis and well...my tooth brush is right there and after snacks and meals....
9. I LOVE modern homes and furniture and I strive to be Bomo....
10. I love rabbits (especially jack jabbits) deer, birds(Owls and robins) and Chihuahuas!!!
11. I am missing our beautiful Cat Churchie something awful...
Happy Monday everyone!!! xoxo