Claudia & Evangeline Floppy Eared bunnies in my SHOP
Jujube the Floppy Eared bunny SOLD
Claudia the Floppy Eared bunny
Evangeline the Floppy Eared Bunny
Evageline & Jujube
Shop one. Finally I added a few to my own shop. I have been super busy working away on orders but managed to get these bunnies in the shop. Hope everyone had a wonderful day yesterday. It was gorgeous here!!! I think it was almost 80 degrees out. We went to ballet in the morning, shopping for me (I don't have any workout or summer clothing....all died at the same time) then back home for lunch, walk the dog (very hot) back home to the sprinklers. While at the with huge headache and a 5 year old that was NOT happy to be there my monthly visitor arrived. Wonderful timing!!! Luckily I was prepared. the time we did get home I was wiped out but had to keep going. It truly amazes me to this day how exhausting being a Ma can be. There are more joys than anything else but the mundane can get to you. Cleaning, cooking, laundry done and then the very next it again. The play dates, the errands...oh the walks...yardwork...housework...You all know the drill but man sometimes it wears me to the bone. Ok...enough of my complaining...although it's nice to vent.
Favorite flickr photos this week....
this is such a cool shot..I need this family...this mug is amazing...i LOVE this dog...really cool shot...Loving this so very much!Also want to share a few other blogs I love....(keep in mind this is not all of them) a SUPER Wednesday!!! Oh on a very, very sad note for me...
Gilmore Girls is now OVER!!!! I don't read popular news much so I didn't see it coming and I was bummed. I totally cried thru almost the whole last episode...and why wasn't it 2 hours long!@#$? should watch this if you liked the Gilmore Girls because this is how I felt.