So I was reading Meg's blog today and I went to the Mister Rogers link and it made me cry and think. Memphis is about to start Kindergarten in the Fall and one of my biggest fears...besides all the normal fears and there are many...is that she will realize that we are not wealthy. Up until now it hasn't really made a difference to her. If you don't already know...we don't own a home...we only have one car and it's not fancy...and we don't take big fancy vacations or have nannies or house keepers. Where we live we are surrounded by lots and lots of money. I love our little family and I think we are very unique and special. We are fun, loving, different and have taught our little Memphis that the earth is very special and we should take care of it and all the creatures on it. She is a vegetarian just like me and does not like violence. She has only watched a handful of movies and her current favorite is 'March of the Penguins'. She did not like 'Finding Nemo' or 'Happy Feet'...too much stress for her. Of course in 'March of the Penguins' there is a lot of stress but for some reason she really loved learning so much she wasn't stressed. She is really sensitive to other's feelings and even though she has never wanted what the 'in' thing is...the 'IT' toy of the moment...I am worried that going to school will make her feel a bit less than. I was lower middle class growing up...still am..and it was tough a lot of the time. My folks were together for 23 years and never married. (by folks I do mean my step-Dad..who is the only Dad I have had) So we were kind of weird. Plus our folks were hip and with it. I guess I just have to relax and when I am down I will just listen to Mister Rogers.
Some are fancy on the outside.
Some are fancy on the inside.
Everybody's fancy.
Everybody's fine.
It's you I like,
It's not the things you wear,
It's not the way you do your hair--
But it's you I like
It will all work out and I know money isn't everything...I do understand that really but it's easy to say when you have it. Not that we are starving or hurting in anyway....really. I just really, really want a house. It would make a huge difference in our lives and would provide us with a stronger foundation. I want my beautiful girl to remember her home but as I am writing this I realize that a home is where you make it. She actually loves talking to all the other tenants and has her own forest in the courtyard...it's the judgement of others that always stresses me and I guess that 's my deal. Anywho...thanks for the post Meg...I LOVED it. xo