This is my favorite of all the pictures
I plan on doing an owl similar to this one.

We love squirrels around here...

Love this..

This sooooo reminds me of Hillary Lang

So we had dress rehearsal for Memphis's first Performance!!! They are doing a tap number and it is adorable. It was loads of fun once we got going. Memphis had a panic attack of sorts and was crying and telling me she couldn't do it. Well we made it and just as Mama had said...she loved it. She had loads of fun and it was great. It was really fun when we arrived and all her classmates said 'Hello Memphis!' It made her feel really great. She is so introverted she would never say hi first and I got to see how the other little girls are actually drawn to her. This makes me feel a lot better about Kindergarten. It was nice talking to some of the other Ma's too. I am shy as well so every week I normally just go and sew, talk on the phone or read. I rarely chat it up with anyone. Most of them already have their clicks so I figure it's cool to cold chill alone. We were going to go to the park but the weather was iffy and it was actually cold. So a trip to Value Village saved the day. I found a great wool/acrylic skirt to cut up for Creatures, a men's shirt with an amazing print to cut up and some actual fabric. We also scored some vintage books. They are from the Childcraft series. My absolute favorite is Poems and Rhymes. Most of the pictures above are from it. Memphis also got a drum and some cool new pink flip flops with sprakles. Value Village you are so good to us and we thank you for all the wonderful treasures.
Anywho...hope everyone is having a wonderful week. We watched 'Top Chef' smack down last night on Bravo. Jason used to be a Chef..and it's actually very entertaining.
Leaving you all with some more Flickr favs...
love Mai Le's Owls and I bought one last year at PLUSHYOU!!
How cool is this....I WANT this...LOVE these...This is soooo cool..This is gorgeousWOWOWOWOWOWNEED IT WANT ITLOOOOVING itThis is amazing and I would have loved to see it in person...I love photo shoots