So today was a very funny day. We spent the better part of the first 1/2 at home. Walked the dog...had lunch...vacuumed...did dishes....played...then it was out to run errands. We had to go to Archie McPhee to get some wrapping paper, black-n-white photos for Poppy's day and a card. Of course while there we also picked up a flying saucer ring, an orange on sale Devil Duck, a truck Pez and a cool Godzilla Card for Poppy's Day. We had so much fun. The best part is when we pulled in the parking lot it was filled with crazy wacky cars. The Solstice Parade is this weekend in Fremont and it appears all the wacky cars were making a trial run around Ballard. It was amazing. I am going to post a few more over on my Flickr...check it out. Then we went and visited our friends Amy and Kerry at their super cool shop Sugartown. They are soooo nice. They gave Memphis a vintage Ginny Sasson doll, still in the box and she comes with disco rollerskates...all in all a fab day...even if it did rain a little.
Good luck to all you lucky people going to Renegade this weekend and a special shout out to Meg & Jen and to Maggie & Micheal of Supermaggie...have a blast guys.xoxoxo
Here are just a few Flickr favs to tide you over
Loving it...
This Ceramic Figure is amazing...
Nothing better than an adorable ChiChi
I heart trees..
This shot is surreal...
Completely in LOVE with Irana's work...
This is amazing...
Love love love this..
Flickr I heart you..