This photo is from venuszine.com I did not take it please go over and read the article featuring Lisa Congdon...and while you are there check out the entire venuszine.com site!
Lisa Congdon is my real true life HERO!!!
Seriously, I have admired Lisa now for sometime...I can't remember the exact date I found her old blog A Bird in the Hand...now Lisa Congdon Art + Craft...but it really made a huge impact on my life. She is an amazing artist and more importantly a genuine, authentic, caring human being that believes in putting goodness out into the world and Karma. Her art work is now her life and she is very, very successful! Her next show is The Tenderhearted, which opens September 6 at The Candystore in San Francisco. I used to love reading 'A Bird In the Hand' and learning about her life and work and her new blog is really beautiful and she is sharing works by some of her favorite artists. I of course am, as you know, a flickr addict so I also love keeping up with her photo obssession. I have never even met her but hope to one day. Until then I will definately be keeping up with what she's up to via the good 'ole interweb. I plan on posting some more of my real life heros in the future, she's in great company....anywho...Lisa...thanks so very much for making such a positive impact on the world and for making a big difference in so many of our lives....because I know you are a Hero to many, many other folks out there...plus you so rock! xoxoxo