Saturday.....post office, Univ. Bookstore, Tacoma-Owen's Beach Hazels 5th Birthday party,
home walk dog, eat early dinner, clean bathroom, vacuum, dust, do laundry, mop whole entire house(Hubby cleaned bathroom and did laundry)....sew...watch 'One Flew Over the Coo Coo's Nest' while sewing more...exhausted...go to bed...
Sunday...wake up early, check email, feed dog, let dog out, make beds, get ready for the day and get Memphis ready...hubby helping with all of this...hubby stayed home worked on our computers, vacuumed them out...we met Mema (my Ma) in West Seattle, hit some yardsales and a rummage sale, went to the Street Fair...went to lunch at Caper's, more street fair, went to the beach...bye-bye to Mema....went home...walked dog...ate dinner...rested...put pumpkin to bed...now I must sew...
a few Flickr favs...
Love Shadow photos
want this cat...
this is fantastic...
need it
This is soooo pretty it actually hypnotizes me...