It was great and we love Darcy, Ruby, Hazel, Leo, Marit, Olivia and Oscar!

"Ma...I don't think I need you...and smiled" I was sooo proud!

Ok...this is going to be short and sweet...
Moday...Playdate Point Defiance Zoo in Tacoma
Tuesday...Ballet and Errands
Wednesday...Ballet again (make up class) and errands
Thursday...Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle Playdate
Friday...West Seattle Park Playdate....errands...collapse....
Small shop update...inching along on special orders. Sarcoidosis is flaring up...super exhausted....sending mass love to Jen for the amazing fabric...she just sent it to me....I LOVE IT!!!! Thanks sosososo much!!! Sending out mass LOVE to Ashley for suggesting me to Vanessa of Etsy. She is going to use one of my images for a Storque post..it's a new blog that looks like it will be great thru Etsy. I will be given credit for my photo...a little funny that it is a self portrait...one of my favs so it's cool. Anywho thanks Ashley. Thanks Vanessa. Thanks to all that have made orders with me of late. It really means the world to me to have people support my soft sculpture. Thanks to all the kind words I have been getting on Flickr....okay...gotta go...loads of work to finish...
Flickr favs...you betcha and a few cool links.....
I wish I could own this....xo
Funny...and amazing
so peaceful...xo
Still laughing...
So pretty
A woman to know...xo love this
Cool shot
This is so great...xo
What a super idea.....wish I could read it...
Magnificent Bastard is a super funny...Jason checks it out from time to time and I love this post
Check this out