Ok....FINALLY I am sharing my swap with Kristina!!!! I have been a long, long time admirer of her work and I cannot believe that I actually own some of her work now...just LOOK how gorgeous. She sent me some yummy candy (as you can see I ate all the Licorice) and it was all organic and from Denmark!!!! I LOVE the magazine she sent and it has some yummy modern design in it. I am in LOVE with a kitchen in it. Of course we totally heart the Giraffe and the cat!! The paper Giraffe and Elephant I have wanted for like ever!!! The cute little vintage bowl and the wooden mushrooms!!!! Then there was the chicken fabric and I WILL make them into pillows for our home!!! Oh and this adorable vintage yellow sweater that I will be showing in the future on my little model and a super duper cute paper bull!!! I wish so badly that I could go and visit Kristina and her family. I just know we would hit if off in real life too. This is what I LOVE about the craft/artist blogging community...I actually have made friends that I would never have had the chance to meet!! I get to be a stay at home Ma on a fixed income and feel like I have traveled the world....I once again would love to say thanks sososo much to anyone and everyone I have met via my blog/shop/Flickr. You are all blessings in my life and I value your input/compliments/swaps/gifts/and well YOU!!! Thanks sososo much Kristina....you are a wonderful, wonderful person. xoxo