This weekend was a doozy. The wedding was a fun wedding and now all I have to do is work on the photos and print them out now. I will say this....wedding photography is the hardest thing I have ever done in my life besides giving birth but it's seriously right next to it. Anywho...the hard part is done now I just get to agonize over how I could have done this better or that better or why didn't I think of that......
We are on vacation this week and taking a few day trips...should be fun. Going to the beach today....the real beach. Anywho...super busy will share more later this week.
Oh...I also have some amazing mail to share but my computer is being super difficult!!! We have to reconfigure everything because it takes me forever to do even the simpliest of tasks....my fault my photo files are a mess and taking up loads and loads of space.
Anywho...Happy Wednesday :)
Here are some Flickr favs.
So cute
Loving this
Thanks Ambika
Thanks Joulu
Super cute
Loving this piece