So...today is the day...September 6th...6 years ago that this gorgeous and amazing girl came into our lives. We were so terrified but elated at the same time. We both instantly fell deeply in love and she is the greatest joy of our lives. Jason and I have been lucky in life to find one another and then luckier still to have such a beautiful, smart, funny, sensitive....AMAZING daughter. Her first word was WOW and then she said 'Poppy's Home' everyday when Jason arrived. I remember when we found out in the ultra sound that she was not twins....we really wanted twin girls...preferably identical....so when we were told it was a healthy girl we were thrilled beyond belief but also sadden there was only one. Looking back we were insane. Two babies at the same time would have been a lot. I struggled for about a year with my new title of Mama. One day when she was about 1 month or so she just would not stop crying. Everything I tried did not work. So I called Jason in tears and told him...'If it is going to be like this all the time I don't think I can do it.' Well...I did it and now she is in full day Kindergarten and I miss her so. My heart is heavy with her absence but I am very proud of how brave she really is. When we dropped her off yesterday her shoulders sank and she put her head down. She showed absolutely no signs of excitement or happiness and it was so very, very hard to leave her there. But at the end of the day she told me that during one of her recesses a girl in her class told her she didn't play hopscotch as good as she did. So another girl in her class said 'Hey, you should be nice to my friend Memphis' So Memphis told me she already has a friend at school that is looking out for her. I just thought that was the sweetest thing ever! I have been crying on and off for 2 days now...Anywho.... THANK YOU SO VERY, VERY MUCH MEMPHIS FOR COMING INTO OUR LIVES AND MAKING IT AS AMAZING AS YOU ARE. WE LOVE YOU SO VERY MUCH AND WOULD BE LOST WITHOUT YOU. Happy Birthday my sweet soul....xoxoxoxo