I was tagged by Janne last week...so here are 7 things about me....I took her idea and also added visual images to add to my 7 things....
#1. Flickr is a big addiction for me. I LOVE all the art work, photos and folks I have as friends (Meg, Jen, Lisa, Erin, Martha, Janne, Steph, Kristina,Kate, Allison Amy, Tricia, Elisabeth, Andrea, Jenny, Ping, Ryoko, Jen, Mary, Amanda, Hillary, Jessee, Annie, Vic, Kitty,and sooooo many others) . It keeps me going when I get bummed out and inspires me when I run out of energy. I just love posting photos and seeing what, if anything, is said. I thank anyone that has ever made a wonderful comment...seriously they can make my day. :)
#2. I, as you should all know by the title of my blog, am a true plush-a-holic....but my absolute obsession is handmade Plush. When we have a bigger place I will buy or have my talented hubby make me a modern simple display case for my collection. That way the dust will be kept away and I can be inspired everyday by them. The fabric, the expressions, the details, the simplicity...I LOVE IT ALL!! I am super duper drawn to items from childhood. I love vintage kids toys too.
#3. My favorite number is 12. I was born on December 12th. The 12th month/12th day. It just so happens that 12 is also one of my hubby's favorite numbers is 12 too. He has more than one favorite number. As a side note...my brother was born on 3/3...March 3rd. Kinda weird.....
#4. I am an even bigger fabric-a-holic and almost named my blog that. I seriously can't get enough vintage fabric. It is a real obsession of mine. I wish I could go to Australia or Amsterdam or Sweden...that is where most all of my favorite fabrics come from. I love Scandinavian design!!! The thrill of the hunt for vintage fabric is a HUGE part of why I love it so much. It's so intoxicating when you find an amazing vintage fabric for next to nothing and make something out of it with your own hands. I just LOVE it. Totally obsessed!!!
#5. I love Chihuahuas.....LOVE them. Ours is a handful and not friendly to strangers but I am used to it by now. I love him so very much. His name is Gucci and he is 7 years old and a Virgo. He is what they call a tri-color. My first Chihuahua was named Picasso and he was a black and tan. He ran away one day while I was at work. Just booked it out the door. An older woman found him, dead, on the side of the road and brought him to the pound. I lived with my Aunt, Uncle and 3 cousins at the time in NJ and was due to leave back home to Seattle that week. I will always be forever grateful to the woman that brought him in. If she hadn't I would still wonder what happened to him. Poor little guy. He was only 3 years old.
#6. I love my husband and my daughter. I am crazy for both of them and daily thank the stars I have them in my life. My husband is the love of my life and I still cannot believe I was lucky enough to find him. Trust me I really tried to mess things up at the start but it all worked out and this year we will be celebrating our 18th year together and our 13 year of marriage. We were super young when we met but it really feels in many ways like yesterday. We still have a passion for one another and know each other so well it is scary but oddly enough we are always learning new things and growing together. I am seriously so very, very lucky to have him....and because of our love we now have our amazing, incredible daughter....She is the light of our lives....love her to pieces and it is fascinating to see both of us in her and to see her becoming her own person. We could not have a better child!!!!
#7. I love indie artists...LOVE LOVE LOVE collecting their work and have a decent collection these days. It's so amazing to be able to afford a print and have it inspire you daily. Etsy really is an amazing site and I feel so very lucky to have found it and the people on it. Ashley G. was one of my first real Etsy friends but I have continued to make others and it is amazing.
Anywho...there you have it....thanks Janne for asking me to play.........