Hello all and happy Thursday. I was super excited to watch Project Runway and did not realize it was going to be a repeat...total bummer!!! Oh well...there's always Super Model tonight. For those of you that have not watched it yet...I love it but am having a bit of a problem with all the naughty photo shoots. Tonight they are modeling for some art class and have to be nude. Whatever....I guess it always has to be about sex because I guess it sells. Had coffee and went thrifting with my good Friend Trisha. It was super nice to see her and fun to have somebody to thrift with and coffee...well I had tea. So...I have two conjoined Jack Rabbits to list, a square (that I have not had for awhile now) two owlettes and one owl. Should have them up in the shop tonight and tomorrow. Tomorrow it's off to Memphis' class for show and tell and then to the doctors. Good times. Today I would love to share some of my favorite new Etsy finds....hope you like them and hope your day was a super as mine. :)
Love bgreendesign....art that comes in it's own cool bag
Love bgreendesign....art that comes in it's own cool bag
Phatsheep....awesome bag
Paperstampede...sosososososso cool
Amazing stuff by Michelle Caplan
Thanks for stopping by....xoxo
Suzannaanna....cool art for very good prices!!!