at our family re-union at Gulf Hills Dude Ranch in Mississippi.
My Uncle Bill was born January 31st, 1948...he just turned 60! I am so very, very glad that I called him on his birthday and sent him a letter with some photos....:) He was my Grandma Betty's 4th child and 2nd boy. I remember when we were kids he would pretend he was Wolfman Jack, a radio personality, and make us laugh, giggle and squeal with happiness. He would make the Wolfman Jack voice and funny faces. He always made funny faces and said 'Come on...are you serious?' After I got married he would always ask me if I was still in love and I would say 'Yes' and he would always reply...'Isn't it great!' He was kind of a loner but was madly in love with his wife Pam. Sadly we lost Pam to cancer 2 years ago and Uncle Bill's heart was broken.
Her cancer was advanced when it was discovered so she left us shortly after it was found. It was shocking and she was only 51 years old. She had just turned her life around...quit smoking...started exercising...eating healthy and bam...cancer. She was always thin and pretty but wanted to be healthy and strong. I used to email her all the time and she would show my Uncle Bill...he was not computer savy. I would send them photos of Memphis and tell them how life was going. It was so wonderful to stay in touch and when she died, it shocked us all so very much and it was harder to track my Uncle Bill down. He was an incredible musician and had a killer vinyl collection. He loved Eddie Money and the Beatles the most. He would call me up and just play me songs. He was such a character and would always make me smile. His funeral is taking place today, in Illinois where he lived and where my family is from....Because I am 7 months pregnant I decided it would be too hard on me to go...I regret that now. I wish I was there with the rest of my family saying good-bye and getting one last look at his life. He is the first of my Ma's siblings to leave us and it just breaks my heart. He wasn't ready yet...he had just had cataract surgery and was eager to start golfing again. My Ma's whole family golfs because my Grandfather did...which is funny because they are all not rich and Golf really is a rich person's sport for the most part but in the Midwest it seems there are loads more folks that golf. His daughters Katie and Jillian are all alone now and it must be so awful. Katie is married and has a son, JJ. They have Pam's folks, their Grandparents, but how awful it must be to be so young and not have any parents...my heart goes out to them too. I will do my part to stay in touch with them and remain in their lives...it's really important to me to do that. I know my Uncle Bill would really appreciate it and so would my Aunt Pam. I really, really wish I could have visited my Uncle Bill while he was still here. I know he will always be in my heart but right now my heart is really hurting and I just wish I could call him up and have him play me some music and make me laugh. I love you Uncle Bill xoxo
Her cancer was advanced when it was discovered so she left us shortly after it was found. It was shocking and she was only 51 years old. She had just turned her life around...quit smoking...started exercising...eating healthy and bam...cancer. She was always thin and pretty but wanted to be healthy and strong. I used to email her all the time and she would show my Uncle Bill...he was not computer savy. I would send them photos of Memphis and tell them how life was going. It was so wonderful to stay in touch and when she died, it shocked us all so very much and it was harder to track my Uncle Bill down. He was an incredible musician and had a killer vinyl collection. He loved Eddie Money and the Beatles the most. He would call me up and just play me songs. He was such a character and would always make me smile. His funeral is taking place today, in Illinois where he lived and where my family is from....Because I am 7 months pregnant I decided it would be too hard on me to go...I regret that now. I wish I was there with the rest of my family saying good-bye and getting one last look at his life. He is the first of my Ma's siblings to leave us and it just breaks my heart. He wasn't ready yet...he had just had cataract surgery and was eager to start golfing again. My Ma's whole family golfs because my Grandfather did...which is funny because they are all not rich and Golf really is a rich person's sport for the most part but in the Midwest it seems there are loads more folks that golf. His daughters Katie and Jillian are all alone now and it must be so awful. Katie is married and has a son, JJ. They have Pam's folks, their Grandparents, but how awful it must be to be so young and not have any parents...my heart goes out to them too. I will do my part to stay in touch with them and remain in their lives...it's really important to me to do that. I know my Uncle Bill would really appreciate it and so would my Aunt Pam. I really, really wish I could have visited my Uncle Bill while he was still here. I know he will always be in my heart but right now my heart is really hurting and I just wish I could call him up and have him play me some music and make me laugh. I love you Uncle Bill xoxo
This is for you Uncle Bill
This too
and this
this one just reminds me of him...pretty much all 70's rock does
and of course this...which you played for me all the time.
This one is because I know you miss Pam so very much...
This one is because I don't want to say bye bye
and this one is for me....