Low grade fever yesterday and today so loads of resting and of course art work.

Postcard from Rose!!! She did the artwork...:)
....and the sickness takes a new turn. Man we have had a fair share of colds this winter!! My cutie is home again today with a low grade fever and not feeling up to par...I too feel a bit worn out. Anywho...today I have to make a short trip to the post office. I have one package that MUST go today and a few new ones to send. We spent the better part of Sunday going thru stuff and getting rid of stuff. It is an exhausting process and I had a mini break down. I am a pack rat...yep my name is Dawn and I am a pack Rat. I am organized...mostly but I like to store things away like a squirrel. So going thru my stuff is super hard work. I have a bunch of boxes of photos and I managed to get thru 2 and get rid of an entire box in total. I also went thru my fabric stash and got rid of some...went thru my magazines, kitchen cupboards, medicine cabinet and just kept going and going....it is sooooo exhausting making decision after decision of....to keep or not to keep. I get to the point where I don't want to own anything...well maybe a few select items...I just want to shed it ALL!!! So the process continues and minimal Dawn will prevail!!!! She's in there somewhere I just have to dig thru all the crap to find her. Okay...it's not really crap but you get the point. I LONG to be minimal in a Bohemian kind of way. Not so much stark as just more utilitarian. It's sosososososososo hard. Which always brings me back to one question.....'How did I become a pack rat in the first place???' Are we born like that or does our environment and life experiences turn us into people that keep everything just in case. Not to mention the overwhelming desire to collect and make collections??? I was 6 years old when my parents divorced and we moved from Illinois to Washington. After that my birth father was never active in my life or my brother's. He would send presents some holidays and Birthdays but forget the next year. He would call and promise to come out and visit and never did once. He would promise to pay for us to come visit him...and never did once. He also told me from birth to six years old, every time other kids would come to our home, go shut your door and don't let the other kids play with your toys. They will either break them or steal them.' What kind of thing is that to say to a small child....? Anywho I guess my point is somehow this shaped me and I want to shed that part of me and start over. I have not spoken to my birth father in 23 years and I don't plan on ever speaking to him again. I had to resolve that part of my life and move on and I have....as much as possible that is. Being a pack rat for me is much more than the stuff it goes down super deep and totally stresses me out. You should see me when I have moved and I have moved a lot in my life....I come totally un-glued and freaked out....Okay enough about me....time to share a few Etsy favs this week...shops to check out.....
Iscreamseams....super cool stuffElsie Marley's diggers are soooooo cute!!!Love the hearts at Batteries not includedAmazing pillows at Absoluut...thanks Jen for the link :)
Amazing wooden toys...at toysandmoreLove the prints here at CellphaneLove the plush jewelry at Raeburn Ink