Kay is a flickr friend of mine and she loves vintage stuff and is a super duper sweet person. So one day I get this email that says she is going to be on the look out for vintage fabrics for me and then she emails and says she is sending a package. Well...not only does she send me some gorgeous fabric but she sends Memphis a super Book called 'Robots and Spaceships' and she sends her this super cool robot/spaceman plushie....and if that wasn't enough she also throws in some gorgeous doilies!!!
I feel soooooo spoiled right now and grateful for all the goodness that has come my way.....seriously...thank you so much Kay!!! I know there can be some things about the internet that are not good but I feel so thankful for all the goodness it has brought me and for all the crafty/thrifting/vintage loving/talented folks I have met because of it. It really has made me believe there are more good folks out there than there are bad and when bad ones pop up it's not so bad because of all the good I have found. Thanks so much Kay and to all of you out there that help to spread the goodness. I for one really appreciate it and it has made a big difference in my life. I no longer feel so alone :)!
Okay...more flickr favs...
So loving this
So amazing
I want one...
So so cool!!!!