Hello there bloggy friends...I have been so busy with Soren and hubby is back to work so it's just me. Dropping Memphis off and picking her up is a whole new ballgame. Lots of car seat lifting. I am definitely over tired and sleepy a lot but I have to say this time around it is much easier and I am having fun. Going to sew tonight and hopefully this week sometime. Soren likes to stay awake until it is time to pick up Memphis which is most of the day. So...until we get into the swing of things sewing will be a challenge. He is just so gorgeous and has already won my heart. He has learned how to smile, is trying to hold up his head and loves to push up with his legs. He is a strong little guy. Everyone thinks he looks just like Jason but I see both of us in there. Mostly though, I see Soren. A little man waiting to take on the world. He loves his big sister and she loves him madly. It is so wonderful to watch them together and I feel so very blessed to have him with us.
Anywho...other things that I have coveted lately...
this movie... this shop and this t-shirt this bean bag chairthis awesome puzzlethis cdthis sculpturethis tattooed doll...I love them.