Okay...so awhile back when I was still pregnant Jennifer and I decide to do a trade (my half is only 70% done but it is close) and she sent me these guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am in love!!! She even sent an extra....the cool jelly Monster. We already LOVE LOVE LOVE her work but I seriously can not believe how wonderful she is!!!! I have to save both of them for later. Memphis' Birthday is in September and Soren will get his for X-mas....oh it's going to kill me. Thanks sosososososos much Jennifer!!! I really appreciate it and am just so thrilled!!!! Your half will be done soon...sorry but I am a bit of a mess. If you have not heard of Cotton Monster (no offense but where have you been????) you MUST go and check out her website right now and watch for the next update! Believe me you will be so very, very glad you did!!! She even decorates the boxes she ships them in.....Jennifer you are a genius...and I have been a BIG fan for awhile now. You are one of my Plush heroes!!!