Still have a cold...but doing better.
4th of July was fun for Memphis but I had some major stress...most likely due to sickness.
Gucci made it thru the day and night but I sure had to squeeze him tight...he is so scared by the fireworks.
Biggest news.....I got a new sewing machine...well new to me...It's 10 years old and it is AMAZING!!! I am digital now!!! I resisted but thanks to Jason I have moved forward. So now I can get busy....sosososososo happy with the machine...oh so happy.
A baby Flicker, type of ground feeding woodpecker, was hanging around our yard and we finally decided it was injured so Jason and Memphis took it to PAWS today. So happy it will be ok. We think a cat got to it but it doesn't seem too bad. Jason called yesterday but they were already closed...and they called him back. They told him to give the bird water and cat food. They said it probably would not eat but it might. So when he brought it in today...way up North...the lady yelled at him for feeding it. Telling him it would now be hard to clean the food off of the bird. Jason looked the lady right in the eye and very firmly told her he was instructed by them to give it food. Man...he brought the poor little guy in and cared about him...isn't that enough?
Anywho...so glad it will be okay now.
Received Rudolpho from Elsiemarley.etsy.com and love him. She also sent me some vintage fabric pieces. Super nice of her. She has amazing taste and is very modern. I love her work and her blog is super too. Now...I have to save him until X-mas for one of my kids. This will be a challenge.
Memphis was carrying around Betty again. She was pretending to teach her how to walk. She is so cute but man folks give us weird looks when we bring Betty out...is our world still that segregated??? Whatever...I think it is important to teach your kids that there are many different kinds of folks but we are all human beings.
Picked up the new Elle Decor Uk...one of my all time fav mags. Love love love the house that is in this issue...I visualize my family and I in a gorgeous simple home very, very soon....with at least 1500 square feet....oh to have some elbow room :)
Happy weekending and hope you had a safe and fun 4th!!!
p.s. thanks to all of you that have made a purchase from me...you are helping me pay off my new machine :) and I appreciate it. xo
oops almost forgot to mention that the title of this post comes from a Joe Walsh song and that's how my new machine makes me feel. :)