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This week was jam packed....

Went to Ballet, went to library, went to doctor to get vacinations that WERE REQUIRED!! Did usual errands groceries, walk dog daily, lots of cleaning, oh and then there was the part where Memphis got sick from the vacinations and threw up a whole bunch and it was super scary. She has never had that reaction. Tried to sew...have deadlines...too much care giving not enough creative time. Oh and then there was the lack of sleep due to her illness. Kept waking up every 20 minutes the 2nd night and the first night I just had to get up at 5am and stay up after going to bed at 12:30 one of my few productive sewing nights. Oh and there was the big girl booster seat, thank goodness it was put to use after the old one was thrown up on. Oh and then there is our Russian Blue cat, Church(we adopted him when he was 7 months old and had no idea he was a pure breed) He is now 17 and taking a turn for the worst. It's hard to watch. Soooo skinny and hungry all the time. He is a diabetic too. The last vet we saw had him on insulin that almost killed him. Now he is off insulin after being on it for 5 years. We had to give him two shots a day for 5 years. Go to the dump to dispose of the the used needles for 5 years. Buy the small needles for him and have the people on the other side of the counter look at me funny for 5 years. Not to mention almost kill my cat. It seems he started producing insulin again and the shots were putting him into seizures, which we had to then force sugar water down his throat to make them go away. We LOVE our cat and I fear this is the end but I can't watch him like this much longer. He does not have a full life anymore and I feel so awful for him. I even bought him a new bed...but he won't use it. I feel very, very stressed. My hubby is taking him to the vet tomorrow and I fear he will not be coming back or they will tell us he needs to be on insulin again. He is so tough and strong. Most cats would not have made it this far. I still think he is gorgeous and I try to pet him as much as possible but a lot of the time he just wants his own space. Anywho...happy weekending everyone :)!!!!! Oh and thanks Therese for featuring me on your blog, Sofies Central!!! It such a fabulous blog and as you can see by my blog title you are one of my people!!! xoxo Oh the monster above, Harry, is from Cotton Monster made by the very talented Jennifer Strunge!!! I bought it for my collection but ended up giving it to my cutie!! She just loves him. I do his voice, as I do almost all her other pets. Sometimes it's hard to remember which voice goes to which pet. I also have to do the voices in public a lot. Sometimes I just say'Can't do it...too many people.'

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