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Grumbletoy order done and should be in their shop soooooon....

Hubert the fish Love=Creature

Vissen the fish Love=Creature

Gisela the fish Love=Creature

Hockney the Piggie Love=Creature, Skog the piggie Love=Creature (yellow) and
Bloem the Piggie Love=Creature (orange)

Purperen the Bunny Love=Creature (purple), Farsk the Bunny Love=Creature (light pink)
Alpenblumen the Long Skinny Eared Bunny Love=Creature (green) and Gelbe the Bunny Love=Creature (yellow)

Aksel the Funny Bunny Love=Creature

Larry the funny bunny Love=Creature

Claude the Skinny teddy Love=Creature (patterned) Vallmo the Skinny Teddy Love=Creature (red)

Plume the Mod Bird Love=Creature

Ada The mod Bird Love=Creature

Morel the Jack Rabbit Love=Creature

Gert the Jack Rabbit Love=Creature

FINALLY finished my whsl order for Grumbletoy!!!! It is sent off and should be in their shop soon!!! I am very, very happy with it and Chris & Ainsley were very patient and wonderful to me!! Anywho...check it out soon if you want or need a Love=Creature!!!

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