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Mancat Monday

Are you calling me a clown?

Yesterday Mom was cleaning out the computer desk and way back on the bottom shelf she found very old back issues of Cat Fancy. She was very happy to have found this one dating back to December of 2003 because the feature breed of the month was the Turkish Angora. My ladycat, Baby Patches, and I are this breed.

Some quotes from the article:
  • "They are very athletic. They do things that other cats wouldn't think of doing. They're almost like clowns."
  • "To me, they're almost the border collie of the cat world. They need to be challenged."
  • "Turkish Angoras love to be on shoulders and doors and they can do it in one jump. And they rarely miss."
  • Friendly busybodies.

    One thing the article didn't talk about was how vocal we are. Mom says I have a meow vocabulary that is unending. She can also imitate all of mine so well that people walking down the hallway must think we have two of me! And when you walk into our house, I will sing at the top of my lungs how happy I am that you came to visit me.

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