So today we went to Ballet, hit Top Pot, went to Display & Costume, hit the Fabric store, Long Drugs, Post Office, went home packed a lunch, met our super cutie friend that is 6 months prego at the park, swung her by Madison Market for a carrot, dropped her off at her doctor's appointment, came home returned emails, walked the dog, ate dinner and then my amazing friend Andrea (Who Rocks) cut my hair. Phew...I'm tired just reading that. It was a great day but I am super tired. Not much else to share today but you know I have more Flickr Favs...
Neato Vessels...
I heart this outfit!!!
What a doll!!!
What a gorgeous kitty
This is neato
So in LOVE
So prettttty!
I heart these...
Obsession with chairs continues..
Nighty night blog land....