So....Mema (my Ma) came for a visit today and it was wonderful. I love watching her and M interact and I LOVE seeing my Ma. She is super amazing and I only wish her life was easier. She does ok but I wish she would meet a nice man to share her life with...anywho it's always wonderful to see her. I am going to do a photo series of paperdolls. I was playing around a bit today and it was super fun. I am feeling much better but now have a new health issue. Don't worry it's not serious. This weekend was a bit insane. We decided to take the big shelves out of our tiny bedroom and reuse them for our living room storage, floor to ceiling painted white to blend in, storage unit. They will look fab when done but right now our bedroom has piles and piles of my books and photos from photo school. AAAHHHH...so I went into a tailspin, full fledged OCD attack and got rid of oooodles of stuff. Sold some books, clothes and gave a bunch of stuff away. It feels good....of course I'm not done yet and it will be at least a month until or place is put back together but when it's done it will be amazing.
Now some more of my flickr favs....
This photo is very comforting to me somehow...
Love this guy sooo much...how amazing
I have always wanted a Sphinx cat!!!!
I must have this.....
So cool....I am obsessed with chairs!!!
Been thinking about getting another Chi Chi I heart white ones!
Super cool bunny
and last but not least...
Oh how I heart this room...I NEED a wall mural. I want one with trees!