My Mama was robbed...she came home for lunch yesterday and found that her house had been robbed. My Ma cleans houses for a living and works for herself. She works really hard and doesn't have a whole lot. Her house is a very pretty small ranch and it is on a private road. However it is very close to a bad neighborhood and I suspect that may be the trouble. They took her new digital camera that we got her for Christmas and of course the brand new memory card we just all got her for Ma's day, her Dvd/video player that we got for her 2 X-mas's ago, her relatively new printer...that she was soooo excited to start using with her new memory card, her jewerly(stuff she had gotten in the last few years) her jar of coins and her soccer bag with her soccer ID attached to it!!!!!!!!. This is the 3rd time she has been robbed in the last 7 years. The first time she was home and in one of the back bedrooms on her computer and she heard a noise. She looked around and looked outside and noticed her Bronco door was open...then she found her car keys on the floor of the car. Lucky for her it was a hard car to start or it would have been stolen. They grabbed her purse but she didn't notice right away. It had been sitting on the kitchen counter. In approx 20 minutes to an hour they ran up her gas card and credit cards. She had to have it all fixed and get new ID. The 2nd time they broke in during the day. They took all her jewerly some of which had been my Gram's and various other items and a jar of coins. I don't remember what else...I think her printer. Yesterday I had a bit of a bug and Memphis has had a fever for 2 it's finally I was out of it and when she called at 1pm I was soooo upset. My Ma is super wonderful, very nice and never does mean or awful things to anyone. The whole day I was questioning the world and all the people in it. I was thinking of ways to track them down and just yell at them. I can't stop picturing icky people in my Ma's house!!! I can't stop worrying about my Ma and her safety. I am just soooooo creeped out and angry!!!!! I know this is not a very happy Friday post and I am sorry but I am just soooooo mad!!!! She doesn't have much and they took it...he...she...they took Ma's stuff. Plus all the photos we took on Ma's day with her camera are now in the hands of some icky people!!!! Do you think something bad will happen to them..him...her??? Will my Ma be safe?? Even if you don't think the answers are yes...just lie to me. I feel terrible for her and now I can't stop thinking about how her space was invaded!!!!!!!!!!! This Saturday we are going to help her fortify her home. New doors, safe.....I don't know but we have to do something.
Here are a few flickr favs to lighten up my post....Happy Friday....
This is coolMy hubby used to be a we have our own personal chef...Not too sure about this...I want a view like this...This cracks me up...I really like these...I have always loved grandparents had them...Happy weekending....LOCK IT UP!!!