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Off to the Doctor again...:(

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Fawn the Floppy Eared bunny Love=Creature
Fawn The Floppy Eared Bunny SOLD
Our little darling is still sick. She has a low grade fever that comes and goes and now a wicked deep cough, runny nose and she can't talk. Seems she has almost lost her voice. to the
Doc we go AGAIN!! I don't know about you but I don't have a lot of faith in the Medical profession lately. I know they are just doing their job but when we went in on Thursday they said it was too early to tell and if she still felt bad on Monday to come back. She had a fever the day we went in and it was on it's 3rd day. She was super exhausted (usually she never sits still for long and talks a blue streak) The Doc told us her throat was a little red, her ears look good and so did her tummy. Anywho...even though we have insurance it seriously costs a lot just to go in when you are sick...due to the fact it is not considered preventative. I know everyone out there already knows this...but again...I must vent.

Our weekend was weird. Jason went over to my Ma's with my brother to help fortify her home. New locks, security windows, new passwords, log-in password and they fixed the broken door window. She refused the safe idea but her Birthday is at the end of this month.

Still working away on some whsl orders and I actually am almost finished with one and started a bit on the next. Was able to also finish a Floppy Eared Bunny I started awhile back and it already sold. Not much else to report. Just tired and hoping our little cutie will be better asap!!!

Leaving you with some Flickr favs....
So loving this photo...
We are obsessed with Squirrels over here...we have one in our yard Memphis named Zippy
This is amazing....takes my breath away..
What an AWESOME photo
How amazing is this....brings me back to the 80's
Colors are soooooo good.....
Want one...
The chairs...oh the chairs...

On a side note...there are 3 walruses left in over at Supermaggie...please go over and take a look...who knows maybe you'll NEED one??? :)

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