Wow...what a week it has been so far. I am finally starting to feel better....but not great. I see a light at the end of the tunnel...and for that I am grateful. It has been scorching hot here...part of me loves it and part of me is screaming...tooooooo hot...We have walked the dog...went on power walks...ran errands...and I even went and bought myself some warm weather clothing. It was hard but I actually found some shirts. I feel like a whole new person...well almost.
Whsl order is done and I will share where it is going when it gets shipped and is on it's way. Trying to get rid of all clutter...well some of it...and I am in love with that little baby Lotte. I am soooo proud of both Rose and Ken. Rose looked soooo beautiful this afternoon. I have photos but don't feel she would like me to share. I had to show off that little Lotte though(pronounced Lottie)...short for Charlotte. It was amazing holding her in my arms this morning. My friend Rose is like the little sister I never had. I just love her to pieces and I don't know what I would do without her. We have been friends now for over 10 years. I love her sister and her Ma too and her sister's son. Memphis adores him and they are the same age which is really cool. Anywho I am bursting with happiness about that baby!!!
Also...a customer of mine from Etsy has been emailing me and she sent Memphis and I an amazing package of goodies. Her family owns a new age store she sent us sooo much I was amazed. I will post some of what she sent this weekend but I just wanted to say thanks Lacey!!! It was really, really nice of you and we were both very happy!!! I still can't believe you sent it all!! Lacey also reads my blog and I am working on a special order owl for her...man after that package my owl better rock the house....xo
We watched most of 'Craft in America' it was amazing!!!! I want to buy the DVD's . So great...loved the people, music and it was just so well done. Not everything was my style or taste but I was in awe of the work and energy that went into all the crafts. I loved some of what was said...'There is no difference between art and life'...'A visual buffet'...and my favorite was
'That's why I like the idea of the after life...fly on the wall whatever..to be able to see how good I was' Anywho...it was really great. THANKS LISA!!! If it wasn't for you I would have missed it.
3 Flickr favs
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Milk Magazine is my fav...LOVE it
This series is amazing...
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I just love this photo
Whsl order is done and I will share where it is going when it gets shipped and is on it's way. Trying to get rid of all clutter...well some of it...and I am in love with that little baby Lotte. I am soooo proud of both Rose and Ken. Rose looked soooo beautiful this afternoon. I have photos but don't feel she would like me to share. I had to show off that little Lotte though(pronounced Lottie)...short for Charlotte. It was amazing holding her in my arms this morning. My friend Rose is like the little sister I never had. I just love her to pieces and I don't know what I would do without her. We have been friends now for over 10 years. I love her sister and her Ma too and her sister's son. Memphis adores him and they are the same age which is really cool. Anywho I am bursting with happiness about that baby!!!
Also...a customer of mine from Etsy has been emailing me and she sent Memphis and I an amazing package of goodies. Her family owns a new age store she sent us sooo much I was amazed. I will post some of what she sent this weekend but I just wanted to say thanks Lacey!!! It was really, really nice of you and we were both very happy!!! I still can't believe you sent it all!! Lacey also reads my blog and I am working on a special order owl for her...man after that package my owl better rock the house....xo
We watched most of 'Craft in America' it was amazing!!!! I want to buy the DVD's . So great...loved the people, music and it was just so well done. Not everything was my style or taste but I was in awe of the work and energy that went into all the crafts. I loved some of what was said...'There is no difference between art and life'...'A visual buffet'...and my favorite was
'That's why I like the idea of the after life...fly on the wall whatever..to be able to see how good I was' Anywho...it was really great. THANKS LISA!!! If it wasn't for you I would have missed it.
3 Flickr favs
Love this
Milk Magazine is my fav...LOVE it
This series is amazing...
ok one more
I just love this photo