Scout the Elephant Love=Creature
Kimmelman the Bunny Love=Creature
Poupaud the Jack Rabbit Love=Creature
Canyon the Jack Rabbit Love=Creature
Kicking it Mall styleI love to document life...especially my life. I love photography!!!This weekend was full of activities. Dog walks, power walks,Lasagnes made, Lasagnes delivered to two sets of households with new babies, (Memphis and Jason Made them and delivered them) Laundry, picnic lunches, Yard Sale....ding...ding...ding...about 12 in all, ( where I found many a treasure for next to nothing!!!) Did I ever mention how Estate sells intimadate me. I don't like walking thru a house when all it's contents are for sale. It just feels so weird and if it's a fancy house at least one person will look at me with that look. You know the'What can you possibly buy here?? Followed by "There's a lot of little stuff in the basement' How do they know I won't purchase the $1900.00 armwoir!!!
trip to the mall to return and then find a few more summer tops, trip to Value Village, yard work, housework....I'm tired just talking about it. We had a wonderful weekend!!! Jason took Friday off so we could both go to our dentist cleaning appointments. I have the start of a cavity!!! Bummer!!! I haven't had one since like Jr. High!! I also was told...AGAIN...I need a mouth guard to wear at night to stop me from grinding my teeth. They cost about $300.00 out of pocket...ouch and we have insurance. Also watched the
Movie 'Venus'. It was weird but good.
I continue to be a bit out of sorts but feeling much better this week. Man this Virus is a killer.
Oh the Love=Creatures Posted above are part of the whsl order I just finished!!!:)
Anywho...I will leave you today with a few more Flickr favs...even though I have posted a bunch up top...
Love this sooooo muchVery prettyI heart bags and Barcelona chairsAlso check out these blogs...
Fine Little the photosHouse on hill road...with the lovely Erin..This Video is amazing...Which I learned about on this blog...
Hoping for Happy AccidentsHAPPY MONDAY ALL...CHEERS!!!