I heart poppies...this one is so delicate
They were just sitting there...
Yesterday she was a bunny...
On our powerwalk...This week has been so full!!! We had ballet camp everyday for 2 1/2 hours and Memphis loves it. I go walk aimlessly around somewhere...which I have enjoyed but really miss her. Honestly I actually hate it. I miss her so much and I just keep thinking about how fast the time goes... Silly I know but I really love our little life. The weather has been great. We have met some friends for lunch, walked the dog, washed the car...now I am feeling a bit sick. Maybe a sinus infection coming on. Good times...I was so tired last night that I forgot to set my alarm and woke up at 6:30 am in a panic. Speaking of time...I have to run. Just wanted to say a quick hello. Happy Friday...
Just a few Flickr favs...
This color is gorgeous...Loving this...I have loved Fern for awhile now...hope I get one someday...love the red one with beard..I really like this photoSo cute...This makes me smile...Perfection...Where can get one of these???My
Supermaggie order is done...need to photograph and do tags and bios. xoxo