from our good friends Amy and Kerry...check out their shop
So...Memphis is in ballet camp this week. This means 2 1/2 hours a day for this week she is in camp...away from Ma. I have to be honest...I hate it. I miss her so much. I know I should be loving my free time but I find myself lost and lonely. She really is the light of my life. I know Kindergarten will be better because it will be longer and I will actually go home but Ballet camp is shorter so I have been filling my time with errands and such...and actually aimlessly walking thru malls. I really feel VERY weird without her. It's like I'm not myself anymore if I am alone. It has been almost 6 years now that I have been her Ma so I have to give myself a break. Time...it takes time...but I don't have to like it. We have become so close and I just LOVE having her around. I guess I should really consider having another baby??? I did not expect to love motherhood this much...still freaks me out but I do. It's the absolute best thing I have ever done(besides marrying my wonderful hubbyxo) and to prove it even more we have this amazing, gorgeous, intelligent, well behaved, funny and amazing girl. It goes by soooooo fast it really scares me. I also don't want to be one of those Ma's who loses myself in my kid (s)...too late it's happened.
All the above animals are at GrumbleToy...I can't find it online yet but I believe that's where they will be...anywho...here are some new flickr favs for your viewing pleasure...
Renegade...Curious Bird
Renegade Swallowfield..jenxo
Renegade Pixiegenne...megxo
Thanks for posting this Steph...
Too Cute
Love the contrast
My hubby will love this
This is amazing...people actually used to look this cool...xo