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Having some hard times but things are looking up....

She loves to explore on our dog walks and this photo was her idea!!!

We love to feed the birds when we are eating outside...

Griz the baby Owl Love=Creature in my shop soon....

Fran the Owlette Love=Creature in my shop soon

In Memphis' class...a whole wall of them all x0

Lotte gets some Halloween hats...isn't she adorable!!
Gift from Ryoko's it!!!

Thank you Ryoko!!! You are very, very sweet and nice to me!!

I love everything about this photo and the quilt is gorgeous!!!
I want this one the most!!!! may have noticed that I have sort of fallen off the map of late. That is because I am furiously working on a slew of whsl orders and have also been sick. This weekend I actually rested and feel that I may truly be on the road to recovery. On Saturday Jason took Memphis to ballet and for a dog walk and out and about and I basically slept most of the day. It was nice but I am sosososososo ready to feel like myself again. I really will not complain or grip about one single thing ever again if I could just have my energy back. Your health is the single most important thing that you will ever have!! It has made me rethink how I live and how I let stress affect me. I really need to slow down and just breathe. I really never relax very often...we don't get away enough...and my mind has endless lists running through it all the time. No wonder I am sick. Maintaining a balance is very hard for me...I have always struggled with it. I think what I have to realize is that not everyone is super human...we can't all do or have it all. Picking and choosing what to really focus on is very important and setting realistic time lines is key. Yes, I know, don't I sound all put together....if only that was how I lived my life. I think sometimes it is worse to have the information to solve a problem and not be able to put it to use, than it is to just not know and be oblivious to it. is what I have been up to.
New life, wake up much earlier, get breakfast, feed dog, let dog out, get showered and dressed, do hair, get Memphis in shower, help dress her, do her hair, drive her to school, then head home to my new life.
New life includes walking dog...alone
running errands...alone
Doing all the regular housework but feeling like I must conquer the world with all the looming home projects...
returning emails and phone calls.
Sewing furiously to finish orders....but loving it when I am feeling good...
Trying to rest and being sick is sucking up my time....:(
Basically trying to manage my own time as efficiently as possible. In past postings I have readily admitted that I am not a great time manager so this has been a HUGE challenge.
I am however getting better and have hope that in no time at all I will be finished with my orders, exercising more, feeling less lonely and making the most of my free time.

I would now like to thank Ryoko very, very much for her generous gifts. I am just so flattered that she would send them to me and my family. I am very thankful and if you have not been to her shop yet please go and check it out now.
She is an amazing artist and person and I feel very, very lucky to have her as a friend. Thanks so much Ryoko!!!!

Flickr Favs.....
Lisa you truly amaze me
So cool
I am in LOVE
Such great shades of pink
Love this

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