Part of an almost finished whsl order...more on that later...

Special order that I am very late on

Part of the same whsl order...

So fun to make some of my fish again...also part of an order.
Working my fingers to the bone...literally. FINALLY almost done with one whsl order and well...4 more to go. I really need to step up my game but just starting to feel good again.
Memphis continues to love school and I just love hearing about her day...even if she can't remember most of it...but the parts she does remember are always so great. Her teacher is amazing!!! It's definitely Fall and I am loving it. I have been super duper good about not buying things of late and at this rate we will own our first home in no time flat...at least that's what I keep telling myself :). I am super duper excited for Plush You, October 12th from 5-9pm at Schmancy!!!! Hope I get to meet some more plush artists. Memphis really enjoys it too. Been a bit worried about my Ma lately. She has not been feeling well has been a bit down in the dumps. She came for a visit this week and it was not our typical visit.
Anywho...just wanted to say a quick hello!!!
Here are a few Flickr favs...
I need a tripAMAZING...wish I could go to the opening...Thanks for the blog & flickr post....xxoThis also warms my heart....thanksSuper coolEveryone needs a wall pocketSo amazing