only skated for the first part and then went to the class table to color. I was super proud of her....xo
Just been thinking a lot lately about just how lucky I am. I have such a magnificent husband, an amazing and gorgeous daughter and so many wonderful friends and family. I really feel over whelmed with good fortune. I love reading about other crafter/artist's lives thru their blogs and I have to say...along with Flickr they are my greatest sources of inspiration...well minus my family of course. It is just so wonderful to see that we all have a love for life, a need to create and a need to share our creations. It's even more fascinating to learn that what really inspires most of us to create is the desire to connect. The ability to connect to others in our lives is at times astounding. It has such a huge and lasting impact on the people that we are. I love seeing little windows into other crafters/artists lives and learning that as amazing as they and their work are they are first and foremost human beings. We all are and we all have our strong and weak points and I have to say that completely grounds me and makes me feel more connected than I have ever felt before. Sharing our pets, friends, families and children is also an incredible force. It brings us all together no matter what our backgrounds or financial status is. It reminds us that it isn't what we don't have that matters it's what we do have and how we have achieved it... and continuing to expand it and maintain it, is what really tells the world who we truly are. I know I am 23 weeks pregnant and I always get mushy around the Holidays but I feel consumed with appreciation for my life...literally consumed by my appreciation for it so...I just had to share. Happy Holidays...take the time to relax, enjoy and absorb all you can. There really is a lot in each of our lives to be thankful for and I plan on remembering this feeling and returning to it when times are tough. I truly am thankful for my life and I am thankful for the ability to share my feelings...
HAPPY HOLIDAYS ...eat drink and be MERRY!!!
HAPPY HOLIDAYS ...eat drink and be MERRY!!!