Another New Year is upon us...wow....2007 went by fast. What a super duper year it was.
Memphis started Kindergarten, we made the BIG choice of adding on to our little fam, Jason finally got moved to a new department and is a lot happier and we had a whole lot of family fun.
Lots of family outings, play dates, some extended family time....super duper year all the way around. The only super sad part was losing our beloved Churchie in January. That was really, really hard but we will always have a big place in our hearts for him...he was an amazing being!
This year I am not going to make any resolutions but I am going to just try and be the best me I can be. Baby Steps to a new Dawn...2008 the Year of Dawn...that's what I'm calling it. I am going to really focus on my strengths and weaknesses and just try and improve what I can. I would love to be more patient and with a new baby on the way there's no time like the present. I also want to stop sweating the small stuff so much. My OCD gets in the way of that but I am getting a lot better. I would also like to add some new items to my Etsy shop and have plans to add pillows. Taking a sewing class would be fun too just to sharpen and expand my skill level.
Making myself clothing would be amazing and not that far away.
Memphis is getting taller and taller and smarter and smarter. A few weeks ago she told Jason and I that she wanted to take all the coins in her piggy banks and add them to her college fund because college costs a lot and then she asked how much it actually costs. I was so impressed...as a child I never even thought about stuff like that. She has declared that she wants to be an architect and a child's book illustrator. She asked how much each job pays too. Oh and she is going to design a home we can all live in together because she never wants to move away from us. She is also very, very excited about her baby brother and set aside a pile of her toys for him...toys that she thinks he would really like. Seriously...we have the best kid ever and every single day I am thankful for her. She lights up our lives and I can't imagine life without her!!! Or Jason! He seriously is the best husband and friend I could ever have and he is taking excellent care of me right now and Memphis....xo
So...HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!!! Let's try and keep a little of that Holiday spirit and joy with us all year round...xoxoxo
Some flickr favs
Loving this
Been wanting to make a fabric mobile...this one is so pretty
This is making me smile really big and I want that chair
What a great photo
I love this dog so much