Some of my flickr favs of late......check my flickr for photo credits...

So...I am in week 35 now and things are getting tough. He is so low and a bit big. So we are going to get a 3rd ultra sound and take it from there. My birth experience with Memphis was horrible. I don't know if I have ever shared it on my blog but I will sum it up as quickly as I can. I did not get my doctor...I got the only doctor in the rotation that I specially said I did not want and she was awful...AWFUL. The first thing she said to us when she came into the room that night was 'What's up Dudes?'....If you know know that I am very professional in certain situations and you must always approach me with respect when you don't know me very well or I will have a very hard time with's the mid-western in me what can I say. We had a day and night of false started and never went anywhere. So they gave me a shot of morphine...which totally freaked me out and the nurse asked me if I had had a problem with drugs!!!! What!!! Exactly the opposite. I have always been afraid of them. So I told her to give me a lower dose and it would be better. Well...later I found out that she told Jason she gave me more, which would explain the panic attack I endured for about an hour before my Ma and Jason finally got me to calm down and sleep. Then the next afternoon the labor started again around 1pmish. I did not deliver Memphis until the following morning. So my labor was progressing normally and then I got the epidural...I had to...and it slowed down and made the right side of my body totally numb...which freaked me out. She basically got stuck and they used the suction method way too many times and by the end every single nurse and person looked like they were watching a car accident...a really bad one. I kept asking what was going on and nobody would answer. She did not tell me when I got an episiotomy or when she was delivering my after birth or when she cut the cord...and Jason was certainly never asked....I really and truly thought either Memphis or myself was going to die and Memphis did not make one peep for 20 whole minutes...during which NOBODY would tell me what was going on and believe me I was asking. A special team of 3 or 4 doctors came in and took her to a table across the room and worked on her for those 20 minutes and it was so quiet in the room you could hear a pin drop. So we really should have complained about her or sued her because she but both Memphis and I in a lot of jeopardy and because of that whole experience and I am sparing you many details...I am terrified this time....seriously. So the closer it gets the worse my anxiety is getting....deep breath...deep breath...anywho that is why I have been sewing up a storm keeping busy is very good for me and the extra moola is super fab for us too. Anywho...just felt like sharing...thanks for listening. The roofer is here today and it is really loud....
Have a wonderful day everyone. xoxo
Have a wonderful day everyone. xoxo