So I just wanted to announce my small shop update...currently in my shop....and in honor of all of you that have been so AMAZING to me I am doing my very first Blog give away....so if you are at all interested in Sasha & Tasha the Conjoined Jack Rabbit Love=Creatures please leave me a comment for this entry and tell me why you love or dislike Easter or just say something...nice. :) You must leave your comment by the end of Saturday March 22nd 12am (midnight pst) !!! I will then take all the names and put them in an Easter basket and pick one lucky winner. I will do this Sunday March 23rd...Easter and have it out in the mail by Monday. I of course will need you to leave me a link to your blog or email so I can get your mailing address. I have always wanted to do a give away and it will be fun to see if anyone is even listening to me....well I know some of you are and thanks :)! Anywho...can't wait.....