a rainy easter egg hunt brings big smiles...
So our weekend was filled with fun, sun and lots of rain. It rained almost all day yesterday and was pouring in the morning so much that the eggs started to lose their color and that really upset Memphis...she of course got over it but for a few seconds it was rough going. We also had an indoor Easter egg hunt early in the morn. My Ma came over for lunch and hung out. Jason and I tried to run errands only to find out all the shops closed early...oops. I took a big nap later in the day and had horrible acid reflux last night. I am super duper tired today....It was just so much fun seeing Memphis sososososo happy. The Easter bunny brought her a watch and some dinos and of course a bit of candy and I gave her Baron Von Munchausen. I let her pick from the ones that I had done and also offered to make her a custom Love=Creature but she had her heart set on Baron Von Munchausen who by the way has a pet Chihuahua named Munch and had to ride to school with her today and when we got out of the car after arriving at school she told me to take good care of him. He is currently watching Ellen while I type.
So...the winner of my first ever give away is.................Jen j-m!!!!! A big, big thank you to everyone that entered and left comments. It was super fun getting so many comments and it is wonderful to send Sasha and Tasha to a loving home. Thanks everyone.....xoxoxox
So...the winner of my first ever give away is.................Jen j-m!!!!! A big, big thank you to everyone that entered and left comments. It was super fun getting so many comments and it is wonderful to send Sasha and Tasha to a loving home. Thanks everyone.....xoxoxox