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Reporting in on 2007....

So far so good...this year is starting off on the right foot. All of us are feeling better after our marathon colds. I am getting my creative energy back and I have been an earlier riser a little more. Memphis asked for a helicopter she could put people in from Santa and she got this one. She loves that it is a news reporter. She also got a rescue Helicopter from her Aunt and Uncle and she loves that one too.

I am feeling a bit sluggish today. Having troubles with my digestive system. Nothing new. I really MUST go to a natropathe this year. I have loads of trouble with many things. Dairy, sugars, starch, and well all the things that have those things in them. I really have to do most things in moderation. Not always easy. So...I guess it's high time I had some help. I am very stubborn and try to do most things myself. I come from a strong midwestern background and it's hard to ask for help. At least that's how my family operates.
I don't think anyone in our family/extended family has ever been in therapy. Weird I know but that's how it goes in our gene pool. Very independent and full of pride. Anywho...lots to do...busy day. Hope it's full of fun and I am going to savor every minute I can. Happy Thursday!!!!

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