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This is the year of spiritual growth for me.....

I have declared this the year I will become a buddhist. I am craving a more solid foundation and well...buddhism is for me. I don't think I can go to anything organized but I will at least incorporate meditation into my daily life. I will go to a temple to experience it at least once. I need to learn acceptance and could always use more patience. I also have loads of compassion. So...we'll see. My brother went thru AA and is now a Baptist. I have never talked about this in my blog but if there is a time it is now. He tells me I am going to hell unless I accept Jesus Christ as my savior. I was brought up with Christian values and beliefs but my Ma is not a big fan of organized religion. This may help explain why I am not a natural Joiner of things. We went to community chapel as kids for about 4 or so years and even went to Church camp 2 summers in a row at Twin Rocks Oregon. Now don't get me wrong. Everybody needs to do their own thing where spirituality is concerned and I am not knocking anyone's beliefs. I think true Christians are amazing folks and I admire them for having their beliefs and feeling grounded by them. will be Buddhism for me. I am going to try it and see what I think.
As for other goals in 2007...I have many....
Develope mad sewing skills
run 3 times a week
check out a pool so Memphis and I can swim a bunch during the week
become an early riser
Less is more will be my motto
Take more photos...really amazing ones
Do a photo journal of some kind...daily
blog more
be myself and have no fear of what anyone thinks
have nice nails...not long just nice
teach my daughter to read and tell time
volunteer at an animal shelter
Be more social
Really and truly live a more simple life
Build furniture for our home that will store stuff in an orderly fashion
(well...Jason will build it but I will help)
Love life each and everyday on some or all levels if possible
Happy New Year!!!!!! 2007 is going to be the BEST year yet!!!

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