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Oh Fllickr how I love you...let me count the ways...

Just enough time to share some serious Flickr love and a small shop update. Also wanted to thank any and all of you that read my blog. It really means the world to me and keeps me going on the days that I need a push. Today was one of those days...we all have them and are all happy when they are over. is mostly good and I am very lucky. I thank the stars for all my good fortune and for all of you. xoxo (I will be having a give away contest next month and it will be super cool to see if I have any lurkers out there xo)

Blog love time.....

sfgirlbybay is an amazing and well written blog. I adore it!! Loads of design tips and finds. xo
Fine Little the title, love the photos, love, love, love this blog
Hula Seventy....just a fab blog all the way around. I heart photobooths...
Happysilly...I love this and have just found it myself. xoxo this one...very inspiring..xo
Happy almost end of's coming sooooo close.. xo

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