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The work of Patrick MAGICAL

all the above images belong to Patrick Winfield and I am just using them here to share his work with you....

I just stumbled on the work of Patrick Winfield and I fell in love with this series so very much.
They are polaroid compositions and man are they amazing. I am in deep deep love with the top one up so gorgeous. What inspires his vision....

He says:




And all the stars in between.

You can find out more about him here...or go to his

I for one am amazed by his genius and I especially love the use of color. WOW!!!

I would also like to take a moment to thank all of you that commented, read, thought about my last post. It really and truly means the WORLD to me to know that I am not alone and that it's okay to have a bad day...I mean I know it is...but you were all so kind to me....thanks so much !

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