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Phew.....about to go send this order....

Visaya the Walrus Love=Creature
Jim the Rhino Love=Creature
FLaren the Rhino Love=Creature
Upton the Walrus Love=Creature
Bower the Walrus Love=Creature

So finally I just finished the bios and tags and my Supermaggie order is going out today. There are 6 walrues, 6 Rhinos and 6 Jack rabbits in total. It was supposed to go out early this week but sometimes things just don't go according to plan. Speaking of Supermaggie....they have a bunch of NEW T-shirts and I heart a bunch of them.
In other news...I am going to spend most of the day sewing. I have a bunch of ideas and shops to fill...especially mine!! Which is sadly very empty right now. Being a full time Ma and trying to fill a shop sometimes just doesn't go together. I wish I had a nanny sometimes or just a better network of friends with kids. It is sunny today which is amazing and the fam is going to do yardwork. Anywho I have to run but happy weekending!!!!

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